- Rent Increase 2024 Guidance on your rent from April 2024.
- Utility bills & Universal Credit Help with utility bills and the reduction in Universal Credit
- Banking Do you not have a bank account? If you're moving on to Universal Credit, you'll need one but don't worry, we can help set one up.
- Benefit Advice Whether you are employed or unemployed you could be one of the millions of people missing out on financial help, benefit, tax credits or grants.
- Budgeting Watching your cash is hard so we've put together some useful tips and general advice on how to manage your money better with a budget.
- Debt Advice If you are starting to miss bill payments, don’t ignore the problem. You need to take action quickly to stop the situation getting any worse.
- Insurance Watmos does not insure the contents in your home so it’s important you take these steps to protect your personal belongings.
- Universal Credit It's important to learn about what Universal Credit is and how it will affect you. We can help you set up the right payments and get the help you need.
- District Heating