1. Home

  2. About

    1. Our Mission & Vision
    2. Our Values
    3. Structure & Governance
    4. Our Estates
      1. Avenues
      2. Burrowes Street
      3. Chuckery
      4. Delves East
      5. Ethelred
        1. London Parking
      6. Magdalen Estate
      7. Leamore
      8. Sandbank
      9. Thorlands
      10. Twin Crescents
    5. Corporate Publications
    6. Our Policies
    7. Our Performance
      1. Complaints Performance
      2. KPI Performance
      3. Tenant Satisfaction Measures
    8. Data Protection
      1. Privacy Notices & Forms
      2. Your Rights
      3. Subject Access Request
      4. CCTV
    9. Contact Us
    10. News, Media & Events
      1. Newsletter
      2. Latest News
        1. Know your rights
        2. Household Support Fund
        3. Transport to connect people in Walsall
        4. Award win success for WATMOS Community Homes
        5. Cycle storage
        6. We are listening
        7. New homes for local residents
        8. Carpentry Skills and Training
        9. Memorial Garden
        10. Thriving Community Garden
      3. Watmos Videos
      4. Events
    11. Tenant Management
    12. Comments, Compliments & Complaints
      1. Comment & Complaint Form
  3. Applicants

    1. Homelessness
    2. Homes in Walsall
      1. Am I Eligible
      2. How Do I Apply (Walsall)
      3. Your Application
      4. Moving Into Your Home
      5. Mutual Exchange
      6. Our Estates
    3. Homes in London
      1. Find a Home in London
      2. Our Estates in London
        1. Ethelred Estate
        2. Magdalen Estate
        3. Thorlands Estate
  4. Residents

    1. Your Account
      1. MyWatmos
        1. My Account
    2. Tenants
      1. File Upload
      2. Value For Money
      3. Our Obligations
      4. Moving Out
      5. Your Tenancy
        1. Your Obligations as a Tenant
        2. Rent
          1. How to Pay Your Rent
          2. Your Service Charges
            1. Thames Water
          3. Why You Need To Pay
          4. Income & Expenditure
          5. Rent Refund Form
        3. Your Rights as a Tenant
        4. Swapping your Home
        5. Keeping a pet
      6. Money & Benefits
        1. Rent Increase 2024
        2. Utility bills & Universal Credit
        3. Banking
        4. Benefit Advice
        5. Budgeting
        6. Debt Advice
        7. Insurance
        8. Universal Credit
        9. District Heating
      7. Repairs & Maintenance
        1. Reporting a Repair
        2. Gas Safety Week
        3. Gas Safety
        4. Asbestos
        5. Our Service
        6. Our Response Times
        7. Your Responsibilities
        8. Our Service Standards
        9. Decent Homes
        10. Condensation
      8. Estate Management
      9. Our Rights as a Landlord
      10. Moving Home
      11. Your Community
        1. Anti Social Behaviour
          1. Anti-Social Behaviour Form
        2. Our Commitment
        3. Resident Involvement
    3. Leaseholders
      1. Leasehold File Upload
      2. Alteration and Improvements
      3. Homeowner Meetings
      4. Access Your Account
      5. Gas Safe Tips
      6. London Cleaning and Grounds Maintenance Tender Evaluation
      7. Walsall High Rise Works Consultation
      8. Leaseholders Handbook
      9. Subletting your Leasehold Property
      10. Leasehold Policies
      11. Service Charges
      12. Service Standards
      13. Leaseholder Offer Document
      14. Rights & Responsibilities
      15. Extending your Lease
      16. Buildings Insurance
  5. Working With Us

    1. Working For Us
  6. Community Development

    1. Get Inspired
    2. What’s On
    3. Getting Involved
    4. Volunteer Opportunities
    5. Room Hire