Our Rights as a Landlord

Ending an assured tenancy

We can end your tenancy but only by getting a court order using specific reasons clearly listed in your tenancy agreement. The main reasons are:

  • If you do not pay your rent or you consistently pay it late.
  • If you, or anyone living with you or visiting your home, have been causing a nuisance or annoying others.
  • If you deliberately made false statements in order to get the tenancy.
  • If you, or anyone living with you or visiting your home, have broken or failed to perform any one or more of the conditions of tenancy.

If your tenancy stops being an assured tenancy, we may end it by giving you four weeks’ notice in writing. For example, the tenancy may stop being an assured tenancy if you are no longer living in the property as your only or main home.


In addition to or instead of taking possession proceedings against you, we can get an injunction for you to keep to, or to stop you breaking your obligations under your tenancy agreement.

Right to enter your home

Our employees or agents acting for us may enter your home to undertake essential works. We will normally give you reasonable notice, except in emergencies where we may have to gain entry to your home immediately. If you will not allow access to your home in an emergency, we may enter your home using force if this is necessary. We also have a right to enter your home to carry out improvements.