Mutual Exchange
A Mutual Exchange is when two social housing tenants agree to swap their properties. You can mutually exchange with other WATMOS tenants, Council tenants or Housing Association tenants. The social housing landlords must agree to the exchange before the move goes ahead. A mutual exchange can take place anywhere in the UK, for more information visit
There are a limited number of reasons that a mutual exchange application can be refused by a landlord.
Who can apply?
Any tenant except those on a Starter Tenancy. Other conditions apply, please seek advice from your Tenancy Officer.
I want to find someone to exchange with inside WATMOS
If you’re a tenant of and you wish to find a mutual exchange within WATMOS, you need to contact your Tenancy Officer. Other tenants also looking for a mutual exchange will do the same. If you’ve already informally agreed with another tenant, you’ll both need to discuss the mutual exchange with your Tenancy Officer to seek advice.
What happens next?
Before agreeing to an exchange WATMOS carry out some checks to ensure that all parties have valid tenancies and that the properties are suitable for the needs of you and your family. We check to make sure the move will not cause overcrowding or under occupancy. We also check to ensure the tenancies have been maintained to a satisfactory standard, which includes the property being in a good state of decoration and repair, there are no outstanding rent debts and there is no legal action against you or any member of the household.
If any of the properties have been designed or adapted for people with special needs, we will take this into account.
Once WATMOS has made a decision, we let you know in writing within 42 days of your application to exchange.
When can I move?
If the exchange is approved, an appointment will be arranged for all parties to sign the relevant documents on a Monday. Your new tenancy will begin that day and you can move any time after that.
A mutual exchange is when two customers agree to swap their properties with each other. Once you know more you can make a request using the below form.If you wish to move elsewhere with a different landlord, you can also register on Homesswapper, please visit . Once you’ve found someone to exchange with, contact your Tenancy Officer and complete an application form. A member of staff will be happy to help you.